
B.N.K BNK Financial Group

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Committees within the Board Directors
Committee Members Resolutions Meeting
Board Steering Committee
  • Chairman of the BOD
  • Chairman of the Committees
  • Matters regarding effective operation of the BOD and the committees within the BOD
  • Annual plans for the BOD meetings and operation of outside directors
  • Matters relating to improving the corporate governance structure
  • Other matters deemed necessary by the BOD or the Committee
Nomination Committee 3 or more directors (outside directors shall hold a majority)
  • Nomination of candidates for the group CEO, outside directors and the audit committee
  • Matters relating to the operation of a panel of the appointed members
  • Establishment of eligibility criteria for directors
  • Establishment of the principle for nominating outside directors
  • Other matters deemed necessary by the BOD regarding nomination
If necessary
Compensation Committee 3 or more directors (outside directors shall hold a majority)
  • Matters related to the regulation for operation of the compensation and performance evaluation
  • Matters related to the determination of compensation and method of payment of compensation
  • Matters related to the preparation and public disclosure of the annual report on the payment of compensation
  • Matters related to reviewing the adequacy of the design and operation of the compensation and performance evaluation systems
  • Matters related to the Regulations on the payment and the Severance Pay
  • Other matters as deemed necessary by the BOD or the Compensation Committee
Risk Management Committee 5 (or less) directors (outside directors shall hold a majority)
  • Establishment of basic guidelines of the risk management in line with the business strategies
  • Establishment of risk appetites
  • Establishment(Approval) of risk limits for the company
  • Approval of limits on investment and loss
  • Enactment and amendment of regulations relating to risk
  • Matters concerning the structure and job assignments of a risk management division
  • Matters relating to the operation of a risk management
  • Matters related laws and regulations relating to risk
  • Approval of risk assessment method and use of risk assessment model, which requires the approval of the supervisory authority
  • Other matters deemed necessary by the BOD or the Risk Management Committee
Audit Committee 3 or more directors (outside directors shall hold at least two thirds of the entire members, and more than one member shall be a professional accountant or financial expert prescribed by the relevant laws and regulations)

(Roles and Responsibilities)

  • Supervising the works of directors and executives
  • Approval of the appointment of external auditors
  • Other matters related laws and regulations regarding audit works
ESG Committee 3 or more directors (outside directors shall hold a majority)
  • Setting Group ESG strategy and policy
  • Matters concerning the enactment and revision, abolishment of ESG related-regulations
  • Other matters deemed necessary by the BOD or the Committee
CEO of subsidiary company Recommendation Committee 3 or more directors (outside directors shall hold a majority)
  • Establishment and Modification of the succession plan for the CEO of a subsidiary company
  • Identification, management and validation of CEO candidates for the subsidiary company
  • Details on the succession process for the CEO of a subsidiary company
  • Assessment and Recommendation of CEO candidates for the subsidiary company
  • Other matters deemed necessary by the BOD or the CEO of subsidiary company Recommendation Committee
If necessary