
B.N.K BNK Financial Group

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Stake Holder Participation direction

BNK Financial Group acknowledges the possible influence and importance of sustainable management to stakeholders and defines the 5 principle stakeholders as customer group, employee group, mutual growth group, policy supervision group and public opinion group. In order to understand the expectation of each stakeholder group, we are doing our utmost to communicate with stakeholders through various cooperation activities and establishment of a communication channel for mutual growth.


  • BNK Financial Group defines the minimal participation of stakeholders as providing management information, mutual communication and mutual activity propelling for stake holders.
  • BNK Financial Group is doing its best provide to stakeholders, such as customers, employees, shareholders and investors, local society with trust-worthy and transparent information.
  • BNK Financial Group is currently running a communication channel, open to stakeholders at any time, regardless of issue.
  • In the case of a company-wide crisis that may severely affect BNK Financial Group, the reason for the occurrence, major contents and countermeasures will be provided to stakeholders in a timely matter to protect stakeholder rights.

Local Society Local Volunteers, Public hearing, Discussion
Share holders, Investors General meeting, Investors Relations, Business Reports, Homepage, Annual report, Management Disclosure
Customers Customer panel, Customer Centre, Customer Satisfaction poll, Homepage, Customer evaluation organization
Employees Employee survey, Employee discussion, Labor management council, Company newsletter, Firm broadcasting
Cooperative Society Periodic Discussion, cooperative company workshop
Government Government business investment, Discussion