
B.N.K BNK Financial Group

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BNK Financial Group endorses the ‘UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ and ‘UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, and complies with national and regional labor laws in areas it conducts business.

BNK Financial Group defines the roles and responsibilities of protecting human rights as one of the most fundamental principles of doing business. In order to respect and protect the human rights of not only all employees in the Group but also customers, partners, and community stakeholders, we practice the equal application of our human rights management policy.

  • 1. We prevent unfair labor practices including forced labor and child labor, and comply with labor principles recommended by the International Labor Organization (ILO) for the health, safety, and working hours of employees.
  • 2. We allow no wrongful discrimination on the basis of academic or regional ties, age, gender, race, or religion in personnel management, including recruitment, retention of employment, evaluation, promotion, and wage payment, and we respect diversity.
  • 3. We conduct periodic training to prevent infringements of human rights for employees, and devote efforts to improve their awareness of human rights issues.
  • 4. We conduct periodic investigations to evaluate the implementation of our human rights management policy, inspect and work to prevent cases of human rights infringement, and operate channels for reporting on human rights-related cases once they occur, as per a predefined manual.
  • 5. Employees, customers, partners, and community stakeholders report human rights-related issues through related channels, and we take appropriate action lest similar cases should reoccur.
  • 6. We strive to enhance the financial accessibility of the underprivileged in using financial products and services, and do not discriminate against customers for reasons of race, gender, age, or disability.
  • 7. We take action to prevent possible infringements of human rights resulting from the leakage of customers’ personal information, thoroughly manage personal information in doing business, and collect only the minimum amount of information required for financial activities.
  • 8. We consider possible human rights infringement factors, including forced labor and child labor, when making investment decisions, including the provision of financial products and services such as project financing.